Why Must We Fight?

I am so damn sick of constantly fighting with my kids. Why do I even fight with them???

It should be that why we (hubby & I ) says goes. Shouldn't it?

I am sick of being given 100 questions by my kids. Why do we have to go? Why do we have to eat now? Why do we have to take a shower? Why can't I stay out/up later? Why? Why? Why? And then when I tell them why, they get so argumentative - I CANNOT STAND IT!

So I have made a New Years Resolution. No fighting with the kids. I will tell them once (well maybe twice) and that is it. And if they ask why? I will simply say that I am the mother and that is how it is going to be. I figure if I do this long enough, they will eventually know what the answer is and stop asking (arguing) with me.

Now, if only I can stick to it - it should work.

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link | posted by editor at 10:51 PM


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hubby - my husband (48)
justy - my oldest boy (15)
doodles - my only girl (11)
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