How Have You Been?
I have been not so dedicated to posting in the last few weeks, but now that the holidays are over and we are sort of back to a normal schedule, I should get back to posting more regularly.
So if you have missed us, sorry!
We missed you too!
So here is a quick family update:
Justy is back in a full arm cast. We thought it would be cut down today, but the one bone is not creating new bone as fast as the other, so it still need extra protection. Hopefully in two weeks he will get his wish and only be casted up to the elbow.
Doodles is the last of us to have had the stomach bug. She still has the lingering headache that accompanied it and didn't go to school today. She made basketball though, of course. And she is so totally looking forward to the High School Musical Concert tomorrow night.
Jon-Jon was to the doc today too. He has a bad ear infection in one ear. The good news is that he is very good taking his medicine and it has been almost a year since his last ear infection - when it was a double one, the day before we got on a plane to Florida. (Which I can't believe was a year ago already - it seems like yesterday!)
Joe-Joe has chapped lips right now - exciting, I know. So, he is currently obsessed with the petroleum jelly. He is finding new places to apply it and smear over. I keep finding greasy piles of it everywhere you would think he is two. Oh yeah, he did smear a whole jar of it on the bathroom cabinets when he was, yeah, just about two.
I am obsessed with baking lately after getting my new stand mixer from my parents for Christmas. I don't remember baking to be so fun! We have cookies galore in the house. Seriously, I think I have to send some in to the teachers at school or deliver plates to the neighbors. That is how much we have!!!
Okay - after that lengthy post about ...did you really miss us that much???
Labels: blogging, daughter, doctors, family, family life, kids, life, Teri, writing
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